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MEC3 Extra Dark 6/1.625 KG Case - 08145

MEC3 Extra Dark 6/1.625 KG Case - 08145

by Mec3

Regular price $266.11 Sale

MEC3 extra dark is a chocolate with an intense and harmonious flavor, obtained thanks to a careful selection of the best cocoa beans. MEC3 extra dark is perfect for those who love intensely flavored chocolate. The high cocoa content gives this chocolate its strong flavor, while the natural sweetness of the cocoa beans balances out the bitterness.


This chocolate is perfect for baking, as it provides a rich flavor that enhances the flavor of baked goods. It is also ideal for making chocolate sauce or for using as a topping on desserts. Enjoy bulk MEC3 extra dark at wholesale pricing.


Item Number: D-A022/MEC3-08145


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