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Elegance White Chocolate Decor

Elegance White Chocolate Decor

Our white chocolate decor is perfect for making decorations for cakes and cookies, using white chocolate. Our... Read more
Our white chocolate decor is perfect for making decorations for cakes and cookies, using white chocolate. Our white chocolate decor is great for decorating desserts for a nice white chocolate taste, as well as a unique look, perfect for celebrations, such as weddings and birthdays. Our white chocolate decor is made from white chocolate and is great for giving desserts a personalized and unique look. Our white chocolate decor is available in bulk or wholesale.


Item Number: T-77039

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Our white chocolate decor is perfect for making decorations for cakes and cookies, using white chocolate. Our white chocolate decor is great for decorating desserts for a nice white chocolate taste, as well as a unique look, perfect for celebrations, such as weddings and birthdays. Our white chocolate decor is made from white chocolate and is great for giving desserts a personalized and unique look. Our white chocolate decor is available in bulk or wholesale.


Item Number: T-77039